Grey Chevron

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions...

What is it about a new year that makes us want to change?  I mean, we could choose any arbitrary day that we want to improve ourselves, but somehow the new year is the most popular time to do it.  I am one of those people... I think it's because it feels like a fresh start... there's just something about that new number at the end of the date that makes me feel like I have a fresh start and I can actually achieve the goals I set my mind to.  Here's what I have in mind for this year:
  • I want to keep up with my blogs this year.  I love going back and reading old posts.  I used to be a big journaler {not a word, I know} but this is somehow easier... that being said I'd like to write in my paper journal at least once a month.  
  • I really want to get fit... I know this is the number one resolution {and one I have made MANY times before}.  Does this mean losing weight?  Absolutely, but it's more than that... it means being healthier, eating better, drinking more water, moving more, taking time for myself, and just becoming better.
  • I want to pay our debt down.  Truth - the wedding has us in what feels like a big. black. hole.  And while we don't regret anything thing about the wedding, it is stressful to think about starting our family when we are living paycheck to paycheck.  I just picked up a part time temp job to help with this and we will be going back to the Dave Ramsey method in February.
  • I NEED to get some consistency in my jewelry business.  When I work it it is AMAZING and I love that I can take breaks from it when I need to, but I am done with excuses.  My number one goal is to be consistent starting with 3 shows a month and building from there.  I have to walk before I can run and I want this to be my full time career again when the temp job ends this summer.  The possibilities with this opportunity are ENDLESS and God has so blessed our lives since my coming into Premier, but I know it's more than just Him... I have to do my share also and I'm ready.
  • Our house is such a mess... there is clutter everywhere.  We need to scale down and get organized one room at a time.  This is another thing that needs to happen prior to having babies, so I want to get on it STAT.
  • I want to continue to help mine and Rob's relationship grow stronger every day... I want to be more patient with him {and myself} really enjoy our first year of married life.
  • I want to re-connect with my synagogue family and get more involved in Jewish life.  I am now officially converted and have no more excuses {besides fear and laziness, lol}.  I want to get to services on a weekly basis and join groups, and volunteer, and make new friends.  I am so fortunate to have found a new relationship with God, and one that I share with my husband, and I want to make the most of it.
So that's it... easy-peasy, right?  What about you?  What do you want to do in the new year?  Share your goals and let's ROCK 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

It was actually pretty much the best of times... maybe, the year started off a little shaky with me losing my full time job, but we made sure it was all good from there.  Here's some of our highlights from 2013...

  • 2.8.13 - I launched my FULL TIME career with Premier Designs Jewelry.
  • 2.14.13 - fulfilled a dream of  choreographing CATS with one of the most talented group of high schoolers I have ever worked with.   
  • 2.26.13 - I said "yes" to the dress with some help from my mom, my sister {Barbara}, my BFF {Michelle}, and my m.i.l!
  • 3.18.13 - I joined a gym {and actually went!}.
  • Continued my super fun baking business.
  • 4.7.13 - Had a super special {somewhat secret} day with my love.
  • 5.22.13 - Celebrated our 3 year "match-iversary".
  • 6.13.13 - Went shopping with my bff for her daughter's first dance shoes!
  • 7.4.13 - FINALLY celebrated the 4th of July at the lake.
  • 7.10.13 - Attended my first Premier Designs National Rally and got to meet our Founder, Andy Horner!
  • 8.10.13 - Had a super fun bachelorette party at the new casino.
  • 8.26.13 - After much praying, studying, and waiting, I officially converted to Judaism.
  • 9.1.13 - Married my best friend.
  • 9.5.13 - Celebrated my first Jewish New Year {as an official member of the tribe}. 
  • Got to meet lots of new friends and customers while working my Premier Designs Jewelry booth at the Pearl Market!
  • 10.11.13 - Got to visit my Pennsylvania family!
  • 11.2.13 - Traveled to Washington, D.C. to visit lots of family from both sides!
  • 11.28.13 - One Word: Thanksgivukkah. 
  • Started assistant coaching the cheerleading teams at my alma mater. 
  • 12.14.13 - Watched my awesome sister, Lindsay, walk as she graduated with her Master's!
  • 12.23.13 - Decorated cookies with Lindsay!

Looking back on this year makes me feel truly blessed.  Of course it's no surprise that my favorite memory is the wedding and all the fun surrounding it.  It was so special to have so many family members all together at one time in one place and for a truly happy occasion.  I felt more beautiful and more loved than I ever have felt, and Rob and I both think it was a perfect day.  

So what's on the agenda for 2014?  You'll just have to wait and see.  :)  Hoping you all had a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or wonderful whatever else you may celebrate this time of year.  Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"I've heard it said...

...that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most to grow (if we let them) and we help them in return."

Do you all know that song?  It's called, For Good from the {amazing} musical, Wicked, and I dare you to look the lyrics up and not be able to think of at least a dozen people you could send it to.  

I have been thinking of this song basically non-stop the past couple of days because of a change that is going on {that I really can't say too much about at this point}.  Someone who is very important to me and a HUGE inspiration in my life is embarking on a huge adventure and while it doesn't *at all* mean that our friendship has to end, it does mean that the role she plays in my life will have to change... and that makes me sad... and {more than} a little scared. But you know what else?  It makes me stronger too.  I feel like it's time to take everything she has taught me {and it's A LOT} and run with it.  Not to say she's done teaching me... I know there's at least a few more lessons there... But it's time for me to spread my wings so to speak.  

It's also time for me to be INCREDIBLY excited for her and her new adventure.  It is SO well deserved and I just know she's going to rock it.  And while I'm being excited for her, I'm going to sit here and take my lemons and make some of the most amazing lemonade ever.  {Side-note: Do you watch Modern Family?  You know the episode where they move Hailey in to college and Phil has his book, Phil's-osophy?  One of his quotes is, "When life hands you lemonade, make lemons.  Life will be all like, 'What?!?!'"  Love that show!!}  Anyway... I refuse to be {too} sad about this... Silver lining people!!!  There's a new Jenn in town and she is going places!!!

*believe always*

**this is the first time I've posted from my phone with the blogger app... Please forgive any horrible typos/autocorrects!**

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm baaaack!

Hi everyone!  So I can't believe how time flies when you're having fun {or planning a wedding}.  Since April, so much has happened!!!  The biggest change is my husband and I are now MARRIED!!!  YAY!!!  Our wedding was perfect, it really was everything we wanted it to be.  We had so much fun all day long.  We just got our pictures back and I will be sharing them soon!!!  Aside from that BIG event, other changes are: Rob started a new position within his company, I am OFFICIALLY Jewish, we took a weekend mini honeymoon {the real trip will be over Valentine's Day}, we have so many amazing gifts to {STILL} get organized, and we have a TON of thank you notes to finish up!  Rob is taking time off at the end of the month to finish getting the house in order {including finishing those thank you notes as well as painting the bedroom} and I cannot wait!  We have new bedding {thanks mom and dad!} that we haven't even used yet because we want to paint first... we haven't had pictures hung in the bedroom in over a year, I can't wait to get it together.  We are also re-doing our office as a result of our decision to have me continue to work my jewelry business FULL TIME.  Another minor {but exciting change} is the blog look.  I decided since I was starting this all over, I wanted a fresh, new look.  I have to admit, I've been feeling a little blah {fine, depressed} since the wedding.  It's so strange to have something that consumed so much of the past year just be over... but the big picture is Rob and I are married and we can move on to all those post wedding things... still, it's a tough thing to deal with.  One thing I have decided to do is get myself back on a good schedule {hence the blog}.  When you own your own business and work from home it's so easy to be lazy... and that just perpetuates the depression.  Well winter is coming and we are saying goodbye to our long days of sunshine so I decided to be proactive and get my butt in gear.  In addition to the blog I am also trying to get to the gym several times a week, get the house truly clean, and really get my business rocking and rolling.  :)  What do you do to keep the blues away?  I'd love to hear!!!

I can't wait to get in a real routine with this and hopefully grow my followers.  Please let your friends know I am back for real.  I'd love to spend an hour a day blogging and reading others blogs, so if you follow me I promise to return the favor!  Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!!!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's So What! Wednesday!

Here's what I'm saying So What! to this week...

  • I joined the gym but haven't been as much as I wanted to go... that's going to change this week!
  • I have project and cleaning ADD.
  • I have gotten up early every day this week and am going to reward myself with ice cream right after I finish this post. 
  • I went bridesmaid dress shopping with my girls two weeks ago... I made them try on a dozen dresses and still chose the first one they put on, which is the original one I wanted.
  • I have been working my jewelry business full time for over two months now and am just starting to feel like I'm getting my act together.
  • I never shower first thing in the morning... I work around the house in my pjs until I have to get ready for something outside the house.
  • The above statement means that if I don't have anything going on, sometimes I'm in my pjs all day.
  • I keep trying to get into a routine with the blog{s} and just can't seem to keep it going... I'm working on it. 
  • The only reason I miss my old job {that I thought I LOVED} is the financial stability... I feel so rewarded with what I'm doing now.
What are you saying So What! to this week?  Link up with Shannon and let us know!

*believe always*

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

It's Twinkle Tuesday!

How great is this jewelry combo?!  It make me think of sundresses and skirts and running around outside... I just love it!  Parade is another fabulous set from Premier Designs spring collection.  Now, not only is it super cute and totally on trend, but it is sooooooo versatile!  The necklace {$55} is a three strand necklace with a removable extender and a removable strand... this means you can totally mix it up! 
  • You can wear it just as it is - short with all three strands.
  • You can take one strand off and wear the remaining two strands short.
  • You can put the extender on the removable strand and wear it on it's own {short} for a simpler look.
  • You can remove the extender and open up the necklace to wear long.
  • You can put the extender on the single strand to wear short, and add the two remaining strands opened up long for a multi layered look!
Talk about bang for your buck!!!  It's like getting five necklaces for the price of one!!!  Add the adorable two strand bracelet with an 1.5 inch extender {$39} and the adorable fishhook earrings {$26} and you are set for summer!!!

Interested in purchasing this or any other Premier Designs bling?  Let me know and a catalog will be sent right to your door... you can even get this whole set FREE, just ask me how!

Have a great Twinkle Tuesday everyone!

*believe always*

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It's So What! Wednesday!!!

It's So What! Wednesday again and here's what I'm saying So What! to this week...

  • I bought new dance pants on Sunday and have worn them every day since... they are sooooooo comfy.  
  • I didn't leave the house at all yesterday.
  • Even thought I act like I have it all together with my new adventure I am still pretty scared about being able to pay for the wedding. 
  • I watched the entire season of Biggest Loser yesterday while I was working at home and still had ice cream before I went to bed. 
  • I'm thinking about joining a gym even though we have a treadmill in the basement that hasn't been touched in months.
  • I'm planning to go to Dallas with Premier even though I'm so scared about $$ {no tickets have been bought yet - I'm not that irresponsible!}
  • It's 1:30pm and I'm just now getting ready to make "breakfast".
  • I have been lazier than I want to be since losing my "real" job and starting to work from home... that is going to change soon!
  • I am so ready for spring that I am thinking about getting the spring decorations out... I need some sunshine!!!
What are you saying So What! to this week?  Stop on over to Shannon's page and link up!

Have a great Wednesday!

*believe always*

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Check out this app!

I want to start by saying I am in no way affiliated with this app, nor am I making any money by blogging about it... I just think it's that great!!!  So the app is called "Appy Couple" and it's still in it's beta form {which means you can get it now for SUPER CHEAP!}.  As soon as I saw this I thought it was the cutest idea for our wedding.  :)  So... here's some details {and remember, I don't really know that much other than being a new user of the app}.

So this is what you see when you first go into the app.  They have TONS of different layouts and themes... I chose this one because it compliments our wedding colors and theme.  Isn't it cute!?!

If you tap on the "The Day" spot, it takes you to a countdown... 180 days - AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

If you tap on the "Gallery" spot it takes you to a collage of pics that you upload, friends and family with the app can upload pics too!  You can touch a pic to bring up a larger image and caption then flip through a whole slide show.

 If you tap on the "Our Story" spot it brings you to cute pages where you have little "Polaroid" pics that you can tap to read about the couple... so far we have "How we met", "Meet Jenn", "Meet Rob", and "The Proposal".  So fun!!!

If you tap on the "Events" spot, it will take you to a page of events... this is all we have so far, I'm adding "The Party" {reception} info today and then we'll also have rehearsal dinner info, a dinner get together, and maybe a Monday cookout {it's Labor Day weekend}.  Plus you can specify who sees which events, so you can only have people who are invited to the rehearsal dinner able to see the rehearsal dinner link... that way there are no hurt feelings and no confusion!

From the "Events" page above, you can click on each one and add specific info... our guests can now tap right on the "map" button to get a map and even turn by turn directions to the events depending on the device they are using... so nice.  You can customize these pages with everything... you see we have our colors on here... you can also add dress code, theme, weather, accommodations, travel, special notes, etc. 

If you tap on the "People" spot on the home page, you can see who is involved in the ceremony!  We have 3 pages for this... "Team Bride", "Team Groom", and "Little Ones".  We have a co-ed wedding party {ie: my brother is standing on my side and Rob's sister will be on his side} so I LOVE that we can customize the titles - not sure how my brother would feel about being labeled a "bridesmaid", lol.  From here, you can tap on each person and read a little bio about them... how personal!

Okay, this may sound lame, but this is one of my favorite parts of the app... if you tap on the "Toasts" spot on the main page, you can leave the couple a "Champagne Toast"... the bubbles travel up on this page and I just think it is SOOOOO CUTE!!!

If you tap on the "Registry" spot on the main page, you can see where the bride and groom are registered and even click to go directly to their registry.  How awesome is that?!?

A few other things that should be mentioned... purchasing this app also gets you a website with the same features and info for those family members who maybe aren't app-savy or don't have a smart phone.  You can also print ADORABLE little cards to send with your invitations showing your guests how to download the app and giving them your app access code.  Isn't that too cute!!!???  I am telling you, I love love love it!!!  So if you or someone you know is in the planning stages of their wedding, I highly suggest you tell them about this app!  You can get all the info and purchase the app by clicking here!  Enjoy and have a great day!!!

*believe always*

Monday, March 4, 2013

She's baaaaaaaaack...

Hi all!  OMG... where do I even start... so last post was on Nov. 8th - almost 4 months ago... I have some good news and I have some bad news... I like to lead with the bad news and get that out of the way:

BAD NEWS:  I lost my job at Quantum on Feb. 8th.  Long story short - it was a shock, I feel betrayed, and I was DEVASTATED... I cried the entire way home from work and then some.  Rob and I were planning for me to leave Quantum after the wedding {sometime between September 1 and the end of the year} but I was definitely counting on that income to pay for the wedding!

GOOD NEWS:  There's actually a whole list here... I have time to devote to the blogs, I get to be a full time jeweler for Premier Designs with the potential to make much more than I was making at Quantum, I get to be my own boss and know exactly what's expected of me... I could go on and on and on.  I really do think I can make Premier work for me and get through the wedding payments, aside from missing my job and the people at Quantum terribly, I am actually much happier.  I went through a few weeks of guilt and feeling like I let Rob and everyone else down, but I am packing up the pity party, putting on my jewelry and starting the next chapter of our lives.

That being said... I am also hoping to do a lot more BAKING!  Don't forget to check out my other poor neglected blog for any dessert needs!


If you'd like to host a jewelry party and get a ton of FREE jewelry I am your girl!  I travel for shows and would love to come visit you!

So that's it for today, but I will be back tomorrow {and the next day, and the next day, and the next day... lol}.  Have a wonderful Monday and make it a great week!

*believe always*