Grey Chevron

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So What! Wednesday

Here's what I'm saying So What! to this week:

  • It's only Wednesday and I am SOOOO looking forward to my 3 day weekend coming up!  I l.o.v.e. my job, but my house is {still, yes, still} a disaster and I just know I can get it all together in a long weekend.
  • I'm planning a half birthday dinner for Robb next Friday.  I know it's silly, but he has some BIG things he's planning and I want to do something special for him.  Besides I have the cutest idea in my head for a half birthday cake that I want to try.  {Yes, pics coming soon.}
  • I've been blogging more on this blog than my baking blog.  Lately I've just felt like I have some things I need to get out.
  • I am so totally pumped for football season to start.  THE Ohio State Buckeyes kick off this weekend and I feel like it's the first sign of fall.
  • One of the main reasons I want to get the house cleaned up is to put up my fall decorations... I have A LOT of them!

What are you saying So What! to this week?  Link up with Shannon and spill! 

*believe always*

1 comment:

  1. putting out new things always makes me want to clean! Can't wait to see the cake!
