Grey Chevron

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So What! Wednesday

Here's what I'm saying So What! to this week...

  • Rob and I have been together over 2 years and I feel like we're finally making our money work for us.  We set up joint checking and savings accounts last week and have a detailed plan for every pay check... it's a step!
  • I am OBSESSED with the Sookie Stackhouse series... I started the first book while we were at the beach {so like end of July} and just finished the 12th book earlier this week... 12 books in about 3 weeks - seriously?!  OBSESSED.  I am so sad that it's over.  We did start getting True Blood on Netflixx, so at least I can kinda stay in that world for a little while longer.  I guess it's actually a good thing that I finished the series because it will give me a chance to read the Blog Friends Book Club selection - Gone Girl, which I will review on September 3rd.
  • I worked my first weekend in FOREVER last weekend... and actually enjoyed it!  I taught a customer service class at QH and the class I had was AWESOME!  Seriously, they were all there on their weekend off too, and we truly had fun!
  • I still hate when Rob had to travel for work... at the same time I think it makes us appreciate each other more too.
  • The house is {still} a mess - though it's slowly getting better, I have a million things to do, and we're going to the lake this weekend.  There are only so many lake weekends left and I want to take FULL advantage.
  • Speaking of the lake, I am so sad that my tan from the beach is already fading... does that make me vain?
  • I met with the director {co-director?} for CATS last night and we watched the movie and talked about our vision for our production.  I already have a million ideas and have bits and pieces already choreographed... yeah yeah, I know, the show's not until February, but I like to be prepared okay?  
  •  We bought paint for our bedroom at least 3 months ago and haven't done anything with it... sounds like a Shabbat project to me!  {Wait, would that count as writing?  Gotta check with the Rabbi on that one!}
What are you saying So What! to this week?  Link up with Shannon and tell the world!

*believe always*

1 comment:

  1. I have the same feelings about my tan. I have only been gone from the beach for like 5 days, but already it is lighter and I wish I could hold onto it lol. Need more details on this CATS thing. Your so amazing- I think about your cupcakes weekly.
