Grey Chevron

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So What! Wednesday

It's time for another SWW link up with Shannon!  So sorry for the lack of posting... it's been a crazy transition with my promotion.  I have lots of posts *almost* done... will schedule them this weekend at the latest!

Here's what I'm saying So What! to this week...
  • I still have clothes in my suitcase from our trip to Phoenix LAST MONTH.
  • I got home from work last night and played WoW for 5 hours.
  • I changed into my pj's right when I got home from work.
  • I really miss Rob when he travels for work.
  • I had a crappy end to my work day today and will be recovering with some Edy's.
  • Our house is {still} a disaster.
  • I sometimes let it stress me out that Rob and I aren't engaged yet.
  • I'm using this post to plug my bff Lee's blog... he's interning for Martha Stewart in NYC and you can read all about his excitement HERE.  {ps, he totally passed Emeril in his building today}
  • I love my new position so much that I'm really hoping it becomes permanent.
  • I'm super psyched because I bought my domain name last night!
  • I can't type psyched without hearing the cheer in my head {p-s-y-c-h-e-d psyched it what we wanna be, get psyched yeah yeah get psyched} oh the days of jr. high cheerleading.

What are you saying So What! to this week?  Link up at L.A.I.D. and let us know!

*believe always*

1 comment:

  1. I want to be in my pj's all the time and I am making O&G like that as well {love}. Also I too suck as unpacking! I still have a suitcase from FL in March sitting on my bedroom floor, and before that your ask? I had a suitcase packed from a Mexico trip we took last August, so I think your doing great!
