Grey Chevron

Saturday, September 1, 2012

525,600 minutes...

Being a RENThead I couldn't resist the title for this post.  Based on everything Robb and I are looking at, one year from today we will be getting married!!!  I promise to interrupt any previously scheduled posts with an announcement as soon as the actual proposal happens, lol.  I've had a lot of questions about why we picked a date before being officially engaged... here's the scoop:

Having a Jewish wedding typically means a Sunday ceremony {or a late Saturday ceremony sometime after sundown}.  I didn't want to inconvenience my family who are not used to the idea of a Sunday wedding, so we thought it would work out well to do it on a holiday weekend.  Labor Day 2013 is September 2nd, so we decided on Sept. 1st for our date.  It works out well because it's not a huge party holiday {thus keeping our costs down... who wants to pay holiday costs on top of already exorbitant wedding costs?} and most people will still have Monday off work.  From there we realized this is also the weekend of the first Ohio State football game {can you say Buckeye themed rehearsal dinner? - speaking of which... Dear Urban and the scheduling powers that be, If you could make the first game of 2013 a little later in the day that would be amazing!  I mean how fun would it be to go to a 3:30 game with the wedding party, then over to the rehearsal and dinner?!?}  Robb and I have been living together for over a year, we have known even before then that we wanted to be together forever, so the official proposal at this point is really just a formality {not to mention I want a ring, lol}.  I've had so many people ask me, "Won't it take away from the excitement of the proposal if you already have so much planned?"  My answer?  No... I cannot imagine any circumstance where I will not be surprised and highly emotional over a proposal.  Plus, we all know I'm a planner, so it will eliminate any anxiety that comes along with having to make big decisions immediately afterwards.  We want to start a family in the not so distant future, so we don't want to push the wedding date back any later than September.  Everything that we've talked about so far has fallen into place.  I have the perfect partner, we found a great weekend, we are totally on the same page with wedding theme ideas, his mom found the perfect venue for our reception, our Rabbi is available that day... we just need to see if the synagogue itself is free... I mean it really is perfect.

So there you go... One year from today I will be Jennifer Steiner and happily ever after will begin!!!

*believe always*

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