The day after the wedding there was a lovely brunch at the bride's parents' house. I got to talk to a lot of my family that I don't usually get to talk to and even set up a lunch with my aunt and uncle and another uncle for later that day. {Side-note: because of some family drama that happened 8 years ago I rarely talk to them, but we're working on that.} After our lunch {which was really more of a dinner} my aunt and Rob and I sat at a table at our resort and talked some things out - which was really great. I used to be very close to this aunt and uncle and it's been hard to lose that relationship... I think I may slowly get it back though. After our chat that aunt and uncle had to head for the airport and we followed my other uncle to his room to get their left over wine and beer {whoop whoop!}. He walked us back to his room and we said our goodbyes. He shook Rob's hand and then we stood awkwardly for a moment until I asked if I could hug him... he said yes and we hugged for the first time in 8 years. Needless to say after he left the room I lost it and sobbed on Rob's shoulder for a minute. It was the first time since the drama all started that I felt like maybe things could get better. I think it's a far way off and I don't know if "normal" is even possible, but I am going to do everything I can to personally repair my relationship with them.
I read this in a magazine on the plane: "If you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, and if you are at peace you are living in the present." I think that's somewhat accurate... I'm going to do my best to live in the present as much as possible. With Rob, that is easier to do than it ever has been. He makes every moment feel special and I am so incredibly in love with him. I also read this: "Women who vacation more than once a year report lower rates of depression and greater relationship satisfaction." - you know what that means... let's get the countdown to the beach started... 50 days!!!
*Believe Always*