Grey Chevron

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"I've heard it said...

...that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn and we are led to those who help us most to grow (if we let them) and we help them in return."

Do you all know that song?  It's called, For Good from the {amazing} musical, Wicked, and I dare you to look the lyrics up and not be able to think of at least a dozen people you could send it to.  

I have been thinking of this song basically non-stop the past couple of days because of a change that is going on {that I really can't say too much about at this point}.  Someone who is very important to me and a HUGE inspiration in my life is embarking on a huge adventure and while it doesn't *at all* mean that our friendship has to end, it does mean that the role she plays in my life will have to change... and that makes me sad... and {more than} a little scared. But you know what else?  It makes me stronger too.  I feel like it's time to take everything she has taught me {and it's A LOT} and run with it.  Not to say she's done teaching me... I know there's at least a few more lessons there... But it's time for me to spread my wings so to speak.  

It's also time for me to be INCREDIBLY excited for her and her new adventure.  It is SO well deserved and I just know she's going to rock it.  And while I'm being excited for her, I'm going to sit here and take my lemons and make some of the most amazing lemonade ever.  {Side-note: Do you watch Modern Family?  You know the episode where they move Hailey in to college and Phil has his book, Phil's-osophy?  One of his quotes is, "When life hands you lemonade, make lemons.  Life will be all like, 'What?!?!'"  Love that show!!}  Anyway... I refuse to be {too} sad about this... Silver lining people!!!  There's a new Jenn in town and she is going places!!!

*believe always*

**this is the first time I've posted from my phone with the blogger app... Please forgive any horrible typos/autocorrects!**

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I'm baaaack!

Hi everyone!  So I can't believe how time flies when you're having fun {or planning a wedding}.  Since April, so much has happened!!!  The biggest change is my husband and I are now MARRIED!!!  YAY!!!  Our wedding was perfect, it really was everything we wanted it to be.  We had so much fun all day long.  We just got our pictures back and I will be sharing them soon!!!  Aside from that BIG event, other changes are: Rob started a new position within his company, I am OFFICIALLY Jewish, we took a weekend mini honeymoon {the real trip will be over Valentine's Day}, we have so many amazing gifts to {STILL} get organized, and we have a TON of thank you notes to finish up!  Rob is taking time off at the end of the month to finish getting the house in order {including finishing those thank you notes as well as painting the bedroom} and I cannot wait!  We have new bedding {thanks mom and dad!} that we haven't even used yet because we want to paint first... we haven't had pictures hung in the bedroom in over a year, I can't wait to get it together.  We are also re-doing our office as a result of our decision to have me continue to work my jewelry business FULL TIME.  Another minor {but exciting change} is the blog look.  I decided since I was starting this all over, I wanted a fresh, new look.  I have to admit, I've been feeling a little blah {fine, depressed} since the wedding.  It's so strange to have something that consumed so much of the past year just be over... but the big picture is Rob and I are married and we can move on to all those post wedding things... still, it's a tough thing to deal with.  One thing I have decided to do is get myself back on a good schedule {hence the blog}.  When you own your own business and work from home it's so easy to be lazy... and that just perpetuates the depression.  Well winter is coming and we are saying goodbye to our long days of sunshine so I decided to be proactive and get my butt in gear.  In addition to the blog I am also trying to get to the gym several times a week, get the house truly clean, and really get my business rocking and rolling.  :)  What do you do to keep the blues away?  I'd love to hear!!!

I can't wait to get in a real routine with this and hopefully grow my followers.  Please let your friends know I am back for real.  I'd love to spend an hour a day blogging and reading others blogs, so if you follow me I promise to return the favor!  Hope you have a wonderful rest of the day!!!